Please read "About BookScans."
Please read "Legal Stuff."
Please don't send scans of books that are already
in the database unless they are significant improvements.
Please only send scans of covers from
paperbacks that were printed in the 1940's,
50's, 60's & 70's.
Please DO NOT include books that are
identified only by barcode; or books
printed after 1979.
I prefer you
save and send your pictures in JPG format, but I can work with just
about anything. Please understand that
I will reduce them for space considerations.
Please send your scans as e-mail attachments, no
more than 1 meg per attachment. I
have email space restrictions.
If you'd like to contribute a large
group of pictures, I prefer you send me a CD, DVD or USB drive. Please
mail it to:
Bruce Black, 7240 NW Somerset Drive,
Corvallis, OR 97330
Let me know how you would like to be recognized for
your contributions: by name, eBay user name, e-mail address, etc. I'll
give you full credit in the "Contributors" section of the site, and
mention your name under the thumbnail of your contributed image.